Cobra Electronics - MF 2500

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8lwk 6 q c FisKfinder MF 2500 Uwner s Wanuaf Nothing Cones CloGeTaA Cobra www cobra com MF 2500 FISH FINDER Owner s Manual All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed In any form or by any means or stored In a database or retrieval system without prior written permission of the publisher 2006 Cobra Electronics Corporation 2006 Cobra Electronics Europe Limited 6500 West Cortland Street Chicago Dungar House Northumberland Avenue Dun Laoghaire Illinois 60707 USA County Dubiin ireiand Cobra NIghtWatch Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra and the snake design are registered trademarks of Cobra Electronics Corpora tion USA Cobra Electronics CorporatlonTM CobraMarIneTM and lASAPTM are trademarks of ...